You will be required to write a prototype proposal for each of the briefs you complete in this class. You can think of this as a tool to help organize your thoughts as you work through your ideas week-by-week. Prototype proposals will be treated as homework which you will be asked to edit and resubmit as your prototype evolves. Upon completion of a prototype you must also deliver every version of your proposal (labeled by date).

Proposal Format

Your proposal must contain the following components:

  • Title: giving your prototype a title sometimes helps you prioritize focusing on certain things over others. This may change throughout the completion of the prototype
  • Inspiration / Background: where did your idea come from? What lead you to this particular idea? What about this is interesting to you (specifically) and why?
  • Summary of the Experience: what is it? Is it a tool? An experience? What kind of an experience?
  • Invitation How do you invite someone to use your prototype with a one sentence statement?
  • Materials: what do you need to make this prototype? List the materials here
  • Supporting Media: in the early stages this may be sketches or simple images, but our goal is to have a short video of your working prototype

Proposals should be delivered as PDF files of approximately 1 to 2 pages in length divided into the categories listed above. Over the course of each prototype you will “fill in” parts of your proposal that are not yet complete/finalized.

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