7.4 ADC, DAC, & PWM

Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC)

Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC) is the process of converting a varying voltage (analog) to a sequence of discrete voltages (digital). MicroPython provides a convenient interface for this via ADC, which can be used on any pin whose number is prepended with an A on the ESP32 (pins 32 - 39). In this class we will typically use ADC with analog sensor input so it's okay to associate this process with (analog) inputs generally (for now).

To create and store an instance of ADC on the pin labeled A2: adc = ADC(Pin(34)).

Take a moment to wire up a potentiometer, or other voltage divider sensor, to pin 34 on the ESP32 and follow along:

For Example

  1. Connect to the ESP32: screen /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200
  2. import ADC and Pin from machine: from machine import ADC, Pin
  3. create an instance of an ADC on pin A2 (i.e. pin number 34): adc = ADC(Pin(34))
  4. set the attenuation (numerical range) for this ADC instance: adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB)
  5. read the voltage at pin 34: adc.read()
  6. repeat step 5.
  7. repeat step 5. again
  8. repeat step 5. one more time
  • In step 4. we set the range of our ADC instance via adc.atten() (short for attenuate). Here adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) sets the input range to 0.0V to 3.6V
  • In steps 6. - 8. we ran the same line of code three times and got three different values because the voltage is analog (varying). Some analog sensors produce voltages that are more varied than others.

Digital to Analog Conversion (DAC) / Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)


Digital to Analog Conversion (DAC) is the opposite of ADC: a DAC converts a sequence of discrete voltages into a varying voltage. In order to approximate an analog voltage with a digital pin on the ESP32 one typically uses Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). This is accomplished by toggling a digital pin on and off very quickly.

The image above is an example of PWM output. Note that it approximates an analog voltage but, if we look closely, we can still observe the discrete steps of the original digital signal.

Hookup Pattern


In the following sequence we instantiate a PWM instance and associate it with an ESP32 pin. Log in to your ESP32 via screen and follow along:

For Example

  1. import Pin and PWM from machine: from machine import Pin, PWM
  2. store PWM pin number to the variable pin: pin = Pin(27)
  3. create a PWM object and store it at pwm27: pwm27 = PWM(pin)

There are two parameters associated with PWM: frequency and duty cycle:

  • the frequency controls the speed at which the pin is toggled ON and OFF
  • the duty cycle is how long the pin is HIGH compared to the length of a single period (LOW plus HIGH time). Maximum duty cycle is when the pin is HIGH (On) all of the time, minimum is when it is LOW (OFF) all of the time.

Follow along to experiment with changing these settings:

For Example

  1. set the PWM frequency to 1000: pwm27.freq(1000)
  2. set the PWM duty cycle to 200: pwm27.duty(512) (i.e. 50% brightness)
  3. change the PWM duty cycle to 0: pwm27.duty(0) (i.e. off)
  4. change the PWM duty cycle to 1023: pwm27.duty(1023) (i.e. 100% brightness)
  5. turn PWM on the pin off: pwm27.deinit()
  6. Ctl-D to reboot

Alternately, one could declare and set values for a PWM pin all at once, which would like something like this: pwm27 = PWM(Pin(27), freq=20000, duty=512)

Fading LEDs

Last week we discussed using for loops with Python's range() to count. Open Jupyter Notebook and run the following for a refresher:

For Example

for i in range(5):

One can use a for loop with a PWM pin to create the effect that an LED is fading in or fading out by incrementally changing the duty cycle, or by counting until one reaches the desired LED brightness. Follow along on your ESP32:

For Example


from time import sleep
from machine import Pin, PWM

pwm = PWM(Pin(27), freq = 20000, duty = 0)

for i in range(1024):



So the counter, or iterator (i), is used to set pwm.duty(), resulting in an incrementally brighter LED.

For Example


from time import sleep
from machine import Pin, PWM

pwm = PWM(Pin(27), freq = 20000, duty = 1023)

for i in range(1023, -1, -1):



The code above is virtually identical to fade_in.py, however here the for loop starts at 1023 (100% brightness) and counts down to 0 (Off), and stopping at -1, resulting in a incrementally dimmer LED.

Breathing LEDs

If one puts the for loop from fade_in.py and the for loop from fade_out.py into a while loop one can create a kind of breathing effect. Follow along on your ESP32:

For Example


from time import sleep
from machine import Pin, PWM

pwm = PWM(Pin(27))

while True:
    for i in range(1024):
        if i == 0:
    for i in range(1023, -1, -1):
        if i == 1023:

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