Sketch 10x DIY Button Prototype Sketches. 5 must be toggle, 5 must be momentary. All should be handmade with cardboard (or other similar prototyping substrate), conductive tape, and other common materials.



toggle between two LEDs via button press

from machine import Pin
from time import sleep_ms

button = Pin(12, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
led1 = Pin(27, Pin.OUT)
led2 = Pin(33, Pin.OUT)

while True:
    if not button.value():
        print("LED1 IS ON, LED2 IS OFF")


Digital Input


from machine import Pin
from time import sleep_msx...

button terminology

  • State: on (connected, electrons can flow) or off (disconnected, electrons cannot flow)
  • Acutation: the physical action necessary to change the state of a switch / button i.e. push, slide, flip, rotate
  • Momentary: remain connected when actuated i.e. the push buttons are conne...